Show Time!

So here’s where the nerves start. Fashion shows are tense at the best of times, is one of your girls going to fall over? how will the reaction be? It’s all a little scary and I’m not sure I wouldn’t prefer a presentation setting in the future actually. However,after we had our individual collection fittings we relaxed outside as the models practised their choreography on stage. Top tip? Take a moment where you can! The weather was perfect so it wasn’t at all hard to accomplish!
… And then before you know it’s show time and you’re sprinting through toxic clouds of hairspray to grab things you probably don’t need and people you don’t know are gabbling in Polish at you, asking probably what number you are and so you shrug and look helplessly at some PR girl you hope speaks English. Breather moment? I don’t think so because your girls are about the come off the runway and you have no more than 120 seconds to get them out of their clothes and into your own collection, zips, shoes, hair out of the way and all.


Then there is this moment of toe tapping, heart-racing calm – I appreciate that is a contradiction but it’s the only way of describing it really – a silent energy build up – then the girls walk, and your faith in the collection is restored because it’s not idly hanging on a rail in the studio, it’s on a woman, as intended and she’s walking like a goddess! The girl in my white gown I chose to wear it for both shows, you might have noticed, because she wore it beautifully.






Latest shot from the runway with Fashion Culture; I’m glad the ceiling finally got a shot too though because the whole house was magnificent!



My Girls Backstage



